Yesterday was fairly quiet. B went to work and I just bummed around her house watching TV and futzing around online for the most part. I walked around the neighborhood for a while, but aside from some of the luxury houses up the hill, there isn't a great deal of interesting scenery in the immediate area of her apartment that I have found. In the vicinity there are literally dozens of Thai restaurants though - 4 to 6 per block. Otherwise not too much different from other urban neighborhoods. Jumbo's Clown room had me curious, but alas it was not open.
I walked to Ralph's to get something to cook for our dinner as we had decided to stay in tonight. I settled on garlic baked salmon with risotto and asparagus as that is fairly easy stuff that doesn't depend on already having much in the kitchen, and usually I can make turn out pretty well. Also picked up some wine and Leffe blond (introduced to me recently in the UK, and that is some tasty shit!) plus Triscuits, cheese, and green apples as those three items make up about half of my diet.
She returned home from work around 20:30 after looking at some potential places to live. I set to cooking while she heads upstairs to pack for her trip to San Francisco for a burlesque festival she is participating in over the weekend. Really a shame that I am not able to go to this, but I suppose that is a risk of chaostravel. Dinner went off reasonably well although not amazing. Overcooked everything a little, but the wine was excellent. For the rest of the evening we just lounged around on the couch watching various HBO style drama serials before hitting the sack.
Woke up this morning and drove her to work at around 08:30 then back again, arriving at maybe 10:30. Spent some time cleaning the place up, and now here I am - alone in LA with a sweet apartment and car, but not sure what to do with myself for the weekend.
Chances are good that I will go to Das Bunker this evening, and after talking with A earlier seems as though we'll probably grab dinner and attend together. Yet another strange pantomime or altered repetition of past days of our relationship...
I have few clothes with me though - especially not things up to snuff for the fetish club. Perhaps I will raid B's closet and wear a vinyl dress or some such. That would most likely be of help in meeting new people in an unfamiliar town.
No pics of you in the vinyl dress?
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